Sunday, April 1, 2007

Be Ashamed No More

(Today's devotion is brought to you by Paul and Barnabas)

Isaiah 43:25-26 (New King James Version)

The Bible states for us that God, even God, is the King and Father, who will not remember our sins for His own sake. Now why will He, for Himself, forgive us?

My dad passed away in 1991, when I was still only 12 years old. So my mom had to take up the role of a mother and a father as well. It was tough job for her, for I was the only male and I had three elder sisters. Many times I made her angry, either with my results during my Secondary and Junior College days, or when I like to answer her rudely. Nonetheless, she will always forgive me, as much as I have left her heartbroken on many occasions.

But one thing is for sure; she will forgive, but not easily forget. Every once in a while she will remind me of what I have done wrong. When I was younger, I always never washed my dishes after meal and would leave it at the sink. So when I grew older, I began to take up the responsibility to wash the dishes, even for my sisters on some occasions.

I remember once, there was a spoon, unwashed and lying at the sink. My mom came straight to me and told me off and she said “See la? You again, never change after all these years”.

I was so hurt. Eventually my sister owned up and said that she left it there. So my “grievances” were redressed.

Now what am I trying to share through my own experience? That actually, God will forgive us, simply because it is His character! Human nature is as such, that my mom will forgive, but she can’t help but remember certain things, but the Bible says that “I will not remember your sins”. And all these, for us no matter what we have done! This is God saying this!

Today, are there some of us who are struggling to overcome some things, like being accused by people you love, or feel that it is difficult to accept that God is a God who forgives and forgets?

It is His Character, and we cannot change it. We can only be thankful and give praise because all we need to do, is to “contend together”, state our case to Him, and we may be acquitted! This is a loving God who will do it, for His own sake.

Will you state your case today? Will you come before the loving God and just say with me, “Hey God, I am struggling with this issue, as much as I am so sinful, thank you for forgiving me and not remembering it anymore because it is Your character. Help me guard my heart, that I will sin no more. Thank You, in Jesus name, Amen.”

Bless you with a new anointing this day. Go, and be ashamed no more.

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