Thursday, January 11, 2007

Do not give up, but cry out to Jesus, "Lord, save me!"

Scripture Reference: Matthew 14:22-33

Today, the Lord brought me to a passage that many of us are familiar with. One day, the disciples were alone on the boat and Jesus was walking on water towards them. On Peter's request, Jesus told Peter to "come". Peter obeyed, he walked on the water and went towards Jesus.

I guess many of us have experienced such times too, when we pray for the Lord to use us to build His kingdom, the Lord says okay and thus starts sending us out on His mission. Just like Peter, we obey and we start to move out of our "boat" or our comfort zone and follow wherever the Lord leads us to.

But after a while, in the same way, like Peter, when we see the "wind", we became afraid and we start to sink. When we see difficulties coming our way, trials take place with problems that we cannot solve; we begin to fear and doubt, wondering if we have heard correctly what God has called us to do, and wondering whether we should give up in what we have started to do, etc…

If you are feeling like that at this moment in your life, follow Peter's example. Cry out to Jesus, "Lord save me!" Yes, cry out to the Lord for help and He will come to save you.
Jesus never abandoned Peter, and neither will He forsake you. He will reach out His hand to catch you.
Jesus will not let you sink but He will catch you and walk with you until you are safe again.

As He catches you and guides you back to safety, there is one question that Jesus wants to ask you today: "Why do you doubt?" Take some time to reflect and write down how could you have or how you will respond the next time you are faced
with the winds and storms that come your way.

Remember, it is The Lord who will give you His VICTORY!!!!!

(Rom 10:13 - everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.)

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