Wednesday, May 16, 2007

God Enjoys Hearing You Confess Your Righteousness!

(Today's devotion is brought to you by Paul)

Scripture Reference: 2 Corinthians 5:20-21 (NKJV)

"Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."

Did you know that whenever you confess "I am the righteousness of God", you are recognizing Christ's death and His work on the cross? 2 Cor 5:21 says that Christ, who was sinless, became sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God!

As I meditate on this verse, I know my position as God's child. These are the few things that I have, and I am:

1. I am reconciled to God, I have no feud or anger towards Him whatsoever (v20)

2. I acknowledge that Christ's death on the cross took away my sin. He has put it on Himself, so I am sinless.

3. I am fully aware that Christ's death, with His blood poured out for me, has washed me clean.

4. Therefore, I am qualified to become God's righteousness!

Brothers and sisters, remember this: always know that you are the righteousness of God already. By acknowledging it, you are laying hold of what Jesus has done for you on the cross. His death is not wasted on you. You show your gratitude by confessing your righteousness in Him!

Don't try to BE Christ by suffering. I know many people, including some of my cell members, who are so plagued by their sins of the past, that they are unable to rise up to serve God, and are spiritually crippled. God has taken away our sins, He has suffered on our behalf and He "remembers them no more" (Isa 43:25). So you are free to serve Him, to dance for joy, to sing in praise of Him!

(Today's devotion is brought to you by Paul)

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