Sunday, July 8, 2007

Transforming of our Neighborhood

I believe we are at the beginning of a new era in seeing our Neighborhood being transformed... In this 3rd phase of our year, it is time to Ask Big and see God's Mighty Transformation of our Nation. In Zechariah 9b, God says, "and I will remove the sin of this land in a single day." I believe the time has come for us to Ask Big of God and see God at work in a very Miraculous way...

I am greatly encouraged by Rev Ed Silvoso's teaching on how the Youths of this Generation can be used by God to transform their Neighborhood. As I listened to the teaching, I began to realise that the 100K Blessing Campaign is only the first Step of God coming to transform our Neighborhood. Through the 100K Blessing Campaign, our young people are going to be transformed into the Ministers in their Schools, their Neighborhood, their Campuses. So what are Rev Ed Silvoso Teachings:

5 Biblical Principles we need to Adopt
1. Have Faith, Act on It, Be Positive
We need to truly believe and act on their faith. We need to start moving out when we are prompted by God. The 100K Blessing Campaign is an example of us exercising our faith in moving out to bless 100,000 people. Do you believe we can bless 100,000 people?

2. See youth the way God sees them, see the Promise & not the Problem
In the midst of raising the warriors for the 100K Campaign, I feel that we have not raise enough youths to be warriors as we allow the youths to think that they cannot be warriors... It is not true. We need to believe in our youths and they need to believe in themselves where they are the Warriors that God want to raise up.

3. Youth are Marketplace Ministers
We need to see the Youths as Ministers in their campuses, in their schools, in their neighborhood. The Youths of today need to be bold and believe that they are Ministers, that they are Pastors in their respective classes, in their respective schools, in where they are. In our 100K Campaign, do we see ourselves just as someone who need to take the prayer pamphlet to bless someone; or do we see ourselves as a minister of God, as a lay pastor, sent by God to bring God's blessing?

4. Prayer is something that Young People can become Passionate about
We need to build the Passion of Praying among our Young People... They can become so passionate about prayer that they would totally depend on prayers in everything that they do... where prayer become a very big part of their lives... In this 100K Campaign, do we pray because this is the strategy of the 100K Campaign; or we truly believe in prayers and totally depend on God through the prayers that we make?

5. Youth need to have a Vision Bigger than Themselves
We need to help our youth to become dreamers for God. Like Joseph, we need to help our youths in believing in themselves that they can make a difference... not just in little things but in Important Matters. The 100K Campaign is more than just a program of FCBC for the month of July... The 100K Campaign is only the beginning of a Faith Building Process that God is using to bring FCBC into our Destiny.

With the above 5 Principles, we need to learn how to apply it in our lives... There are 4 Decisions we need to make:

1. Elders must support the youth whole-heartedly
I am convicted that we must support the youth fully in whatever they felt that God is prompting them to do. If I truly believe in them, then I must support them!!!

2. Pray Prayers that require Miracles
I am convicted that this is the season of Asking Big!!! Let's believe God forMiracles!!!

3. Students must take Spiritual Jurisdiction over their Campuses or Institutions
I am convicted that the way to go is to get the students themselves to become their Marketplace Ministers and take ownership of their Classes, their Schools, their Neighborhood.

4. Get Moving First, Organise Later
Let's catch what the Holy Spirit is doing and fan the fire of God higher of what God is going to do among our youths in this season of the 100K Campaign.

Rev Ed Silvoso also gave us 3 Practical Steps to Implement. They are:
1. Don't just Believe in God, Believe God
2. Establish a Perimeter of Faith, no matter how small
3. Get Equipped & Equip Others

I will take some time to think through and implement the 3 Practical Steps as we move into the 100K Campaign in a few days time...

God bless,
Bro William

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