Monday, July 9, 2007

How to Transform William's Next Generation?

Before we begin to transform our Neighborhood, we need to first transform ourselves... As I watch one of Pastor Ed Silvoso's DVD on Transformational Churches, North America, I felt so inspired by it that I believe if I can impart those same principles into the lives of God's People under my care, we will be able to be used by God to transform our Neighborhood.

Pastor Ed Silvoso shared with us 5 Principles behind these Transformational Churches as follows:
1.It is possible to change the spiritual climate over a city.
2.Marketplace ministers must be equipped and commissioned.
3.Ministry in the marketplace should be a lifestyle.
4.The river of God gets deeper the closer you get to the city.
5.A transformational church will always find favor with the city.

As I pondered over the 5 Principles, I believe we need to embrace these Principles seriously and put them into action. To do that, I have adapted these Principles into some suggestions that we can apply in William's Next Generation:

1.It is possible to change the spiritual climate over our Neighborhood!
We need to believe that we can change the Spiritual Climate where God has placed us in. For example, in the schools of our BB Coys, we can make a difference in changing the Spiritual Climate of the School. Like the churches in North America as shown in the DVD, we need to move out and start praying for the School, the different Classes, the various CCAs, the Security Guards, the Hawkers in the Canteen, the School Cleaners, the teachers, the people who are in authority. As we pray, I believe the Spiritual Climate can be changed.

The bible in 2 Chronicles 7:14,15 says this, "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. "

Let's get organised and set up Prayer Gatherings in the Schools, in our Neighborhoods, or in our Offices, anywhere we sense that God would like to set up His Church in the Market Place. Let's set up Lighthouses all over our Neighborhoods so that the Light of God can shine to every corner of our Neighborhoods.

2.Marketplace ministers must be equipped and commissioned!
We need to sytematically get all our Marketplace Minsters to be equipped. We need to equip all our youths in the various institutions with the techniques of Prayer Evangelism. It is very simple, we just need to teach them how to Bless others, how to Fellowship with the people that they bless, and wait for opportunities to Minister to the People's Felt Needs. In terms of sharing the gospel, I believe many of them have been taught how to share John 3:16. I believe, what we need to guide them now is how Minister to People's Felt Needs and pray for them. So this 100K Blessing is a very good idea of how to bless others and pray for the people around us...

As we equip our youths to do Prayer Evangelism, we need to Commission them as Minister over their Schools, their Classes, their Communities so that they will rise up to minister to the people around them. To all the Youths in William's Next Generation, Arise and take Your place as Pastors over your Community, your Schools, your Neighborhood!!!

3.Ministry in the marketplace should be a lifestyle!
The next Principle which is of great significance is to make Ministry in the Marketplace a Lifestyle. Sometimes, I feel that we seemed to be living like spies in a foreign land... We behave so differently in church compared to when we are at the marketplace, in schools or at our workplaces. We need to begin to start our project meetings with a word of Prayer to God to grant us success with the projects that we are doing... We should start all our office meetings with a word of Prayer to God to bless us with fruiful meetings.

We need to be rise up to pray for the needs of the people around us so NATURALLY and expect God to meet those needs and deliver us from difficult situations that we are facing. Praying for one another, praying for our pre-believing friends need to become a norm in our lives. Let us rise up as Ministers in the Marketplace, as Pastors in our Neighborhood!!!

4.The river of God gets deeper the closer you get to the city!
There is a SECRET that God is revealing to us through Pastor Ed Silvoso. The more we move out into the Marketplace, the more we will see Signs and Wonders accompanying us as we minister to the people in our neighborhood. Go and test it for yourselves, do not just listen to me... As you move out to bless others and pray for them, you will see God at work out there in the Marketplace!!!

5.A transformational church will always find favor with the city!
Acts 2:46,47 says, "Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."

As we become a Transformational Community, the William's Next Generation will find favor with our neighborhood. God has spoken, will you be part of His Family to bring His Glory to your Neighborhood?

God bless,
Bro William

Testimony 5:
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