1.Focus outward, not inward.
2.Pastor the lost, not just the found.
3.Be bold. Try new things.
4.Engage the enemy and expect success.
1.Focus outward, not inward.
I feel that if we want the Lord to transform William's Next Generation, we too need to make these Pivotal Decisions so that we can be used by the Lord to Build God's Families in our Neighborhood...
In order for us to build God's Families, we need to move out into the Marketplace, into our Neighborhood and start raising new Families of God. If we only focus inward, all we do is trying to strengthen those Families that has already been built. However we would not be building God's Families because all we do is maintain and strengthen the Familes that has already been built.
I felt I saw new light in this area and I am convinced that if we are serious in Building God's Families in our Neighborhood, we need to get out into the Neighborhood and truly start building Families.
2.Pastor the lost, not just the found.
I also felt that my heart as a Pastor has been revived. All these years, I have faithfully pastor those God has placed under my care in the fold. Those in William's Next Generation, I have watched over them together with my 12, and in the past, the Zone Supervisors. I have done to my best, disciple them, help them grow in the Lord, care for them and minister to them.
However, in these 2 weeks, I sense my Pastoral Calling has been revived where I felt the Lord tells me to pastor those in our Neighborhood even if they are not Christians. Suddenly my eyes open and saw that Jesus has always been ministering to the Lost in His Neighborhood and not just His disciples that followed Him around in those days...
I feel that I need to get out there, and pastor the teachers in the schools... I should minister to your friends, your classmates in your classes, your parents at home, etc., etc. Then I heard the Lord telling me, "William, I once look at the crowd out there and had compassion on them. Then I prayed to My Father and ask Him to send forth the Labourers. This was what happened... as recorded in Matt 9:35-10:1,
"Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
MT 10:1 He called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.""
I realise now that I need to call my 12 & my 144 and equip them and give them authority to send them out to their "towns & villages" to minister to the people in need. This is the way to Pastor the Lost!!! We need to raise everyone as Pastors in their Neighborhood, as Marketplace Ministers so that the Lost out there can be ministered to.
3.Be bold. Try new things.
Well, I am not sure what new things to try... I suggest we start doing prayer walk in our Neighborhood and let God show us what new things He would like us to try... But when you hear Him sharing ideas with you, putting suggestions into your mind, be bold to try it... I believe as you step out in faith, you will experience awesome results!!!
4.Engage the enemy and expect success.
Yes, indeed... Engage the enemy and take back territiories for the Lord. Let us move out to build God's Kingdom, God's Family in our Neighborhood.
Yours truly,
Bro William