Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ordinary Person + Extraordinary God = Extraordinary People

(Today's devotion is brought to you by Paul)

Scripture Reference: Genesis 18:14 (NKJV)

"Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son"

What you are going to read next, is something that happened just these past 3 weeks, and are things that happened, true to the point of my knowledge...this will be a tad long but I'm sure you will be blessed.


3 weeks ago, one of the ladies in my customer service team (her name is Jennifer) called me and told me that her husband got dengue fever, but didn't realise it until 3 days after. So he was warded in TTSH. Water got into his lungs but the doctors said that was a small problem. But later on they found some problems with his liver and kidney.

My staff is a 52-yr old Christian lady, formerly from FCBC but now in another church. I am very close with her because we belong to the same dialect and she is a very efficient worker, so I trust her a lot and talk to her a lot.

Jennifer's husband is a heavy drinker, though Christian, and that is one of the reasons for the liver problems. One week later her husband suddenly had difficulty breathing one day and collapsed. So he was immediately rushed to the hospital and put in ICU. Jennifer called me the next day and she was crying over the phone. A man who has spent more than 20 years in marriage with her, now on the verge of leaving could she not be upset?

So as she shared with me, I was heartbroken for her because I see her almost like my own mother. Her husband even told her that should he die, he would not want to have a funeral wake and he wanted to be cremated straightaway (his is a rather isolated kind of character). So I prayed for her and claimed God's promise that despite all the talk from the relatives, there "WILL BE NO FUNERAL. In fact, God, Jennifer will not even have to spend much on hospital bills because You are going to give him a new kidney and new liver and he will be discharged!"

After the prayer she was crying over the phone and I cried with her, knowing her heartbrokenness. But this was when I remembered the Scriptures saying that Nothing is too hard for God. So I claimed daily that even though the world may think that getting healed is supernormal, to God it's only NORMAL, because God WANTS to heal.

One week later (which was last Sunday, 7 days ago), Sister Jennifer called me to update me, this time in tears again because the doctors are now giving her husband only one more week, before asking her to make the decision to pull the life support system out of him. I told her straight that though outwardly, to man, he was dying, but somehow this boldness came over me and I just told her that NO he will not die, and he will wake up, move to normal ward, and be discharged in no time because healing belongs to God. She agreed with me and never have I seen a woman as strong as she is (with exception of course, my very own mother).

Last night, at the Jackie Pullinger conference, Jennifer called me and yelled into my phone. I could not hear what she was saying and had to come out of the auditorium. Her husband had woken up and moved to the normal ward! He now no longer needs to insert an oxygen tube (he was previously relying fully on 100% oxygen from the system) and now am only wearing an oxygen mask. He can talk and when he's tired, he will write on the board to tell the family what he wants to. Against all that the doctors have said, Jennifer's husband has survived!

I cried with tears of joy together with Jennifer and all I kept saying was "Hallelujah PRAISE THE LORD!"


In the Scriptures, Sarah was without child, but the Lord promised her a child, even in old age.

Brothers and sisters, what is deemed many times impossible by humans, is nothing to God. HE will do it, we just need to ask Him. And the Bible also says that "the prayer of faith will save the sick" (James 5:15, NKJV), so we really just need to believe when we pray.

I'm going to give Jennifer a big hug when she comes back to work, after her husband is discharged. =)

(Today's devotion is brought to you by Paul)

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