Sunday, April 8, 2007

You Will Have Success As You Learn To Rest from Stress!

(Today's devotion is brought to you by Paul and err...Superfly Kingsley)

Scripture Reference: Gen 2:1-3, John 5:17 (AMP), Romans 8:30-35 & 37 (AMP)
Having a hard time finding rest at night? Worried over your exams, your job, your career, your cell members, your girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse, money, etc, etc, etc…. The list goes on and on and on…. Life seems tough? Well, according to God, it should not be for us.

In fact, He has called us to enter His rest. What do I mean? Well, let’s go on a journey through the corridors of time, and see things the way God sees it.

From the very onset, God had been in the thick of things, working and preparing the world. The world was meant for us – it was prepared for us to enjoy what He has created. Five days He spent preparing it, and He found it to be Good. But that was not the icing on the cake.

On the sixth day, He created man in His own image (Genesis 1:27 NKJV). That was Very Good enough for God (Genesis 1:31) that He finally rested on the seventh day (Genesis 2:1-3). You see, God only rested after seeing that man was created to enjoy His blessings.

But the rest of the story as we know took a twist and the plot thickened. Man through Adam and Eve deviated from God’s plan for success and enjoyment in the Garden of Eden. Yet God did not give up on us. Instead, he began to work again; only this time, it was the work of redemption.

Jesus now enters the scene, and made clear that since Man’s fall in the Garden of Eden, His Father and Him had been working to redeem man back to their original state,

“But Jesus answered them, My Father has worked [even] until now, [He has never ceased working; He is still working] and I, too, must be at [divine] work.” (John 5:17 AMP)

That divine work was for Christ to die on the cross for us, that we may be reconciled and brought back into His realm of blessings. When Jesus cried, “It is Finished!”, Jesus completed the work of redemption, setting us up and back to the way His Father intended things to be.

Since creation, we were designed to rest in His success and prosperity. Only when we were restored to that original purpose did God rest. Now, our Heavenly Papa is resting because man can now enjoy His blessings through His Son’s work on the cross.

Dear family, you and I can enter into that REST because of what Christ has done for us. Today, nothing can prevent us from receiving His blessings, success and prosperity upon our lives. You and I can REST assure that He has guaranteed us success in our studies, career and relationship with Him. We are destined to be victorious in Him! (Romans 8:30-35 & 37)

Prayer: Dear Father, according to the work that your Son did on the Cross, I am NOW REST ASSURED that I am GREATLY BLESSED, HIGHLY FAVOURED and DEEPLY LOVED. Your Word says it; I believe it and that settles it. I will renew my mind and not entertain thoughts that contradict your Word that describes my inheritance through Christ. In everything I do, I am destined for victory. Thank you Jesus, I now REST from stress and from all my worries. Amen!
(Today's devotion was brought to you by Paul and the Superfly)

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