Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Freely, freely you have received, freely, freely give…

(today's devotion is brought to you by Wan Lin, Samantha and Shauna)

Scripture Reference: John 3:12-21

God demonstrated His love by giving His Son freely to us, even though we deserve to be condemned, He wants to restore us back to Himself. In verse 20, it says that those who do evil are afraid of the light, because they are afraid that their deeds will be exposed. And where does the light come from?

It comes from us, sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. Sometimes people may shun you when you try to bring the light into their lives, don’t be discouraged, instead continue to pray for them. What if the desire to pray for them is not strong? Then go back to verse 16, where God demonstrated His love by giving us Jesus, who atoned for our sins. Your heavenly Father loves you. If any of His sheep goes astray, can you imagine how heart-broken God will be? Can you catch the heart-beat of the Shepherd?

So, let God use you fully as His obedient and willing servant so that you will be just as what Pastor Khong has shared, “A BLESSING TO ALL”, being the torch for Jesus wherever you are.

Pause for a moment to pray for yourself that God will take away any spirit that causes you to be lukewarm and aloof. Pray for a spirit that always aims to touch lives instead of being just a passer-by.
(today's devotion is brought to you by Wan Lin, Samantha and Shauna)

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